Photo Jewelry

Photo Jewelry
Kristin Johnson Photography is now offering high quality and beautiful jewelry by PlanetJill

Schedule a Session

Now is the time to schedule your session. Christmas is coming faster than we realize. Contact Kristin at to schedule your session.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Anna Maria Island with the love's of my life

Every summer all of my family goes to Anna Maria for the week. It's the highlight of my year anticipating the arrival of all my sisters and their families. It doesn't get any better than being at the, boating, searching for sand dollars and shells, skim boarding and watching the sunset with the entire family. That's what I call perfection.

Isla Nichelson

I was fortunate to take Isla's newborn pictures and now she is getting so big. She looks like a perfect baby doll, I can't get over those sweet cheeks.

Mary Oliver Wright Newborn Portraits

I just love this family, they are dear friends. There is something so sweet about first time parents, this is one very loved little girl. Mary Oliver's very talented mommy created a beautiful room for her filled with family treasure's. Can you tell where her mom and dad went to school?

The Stricklands Family Photography Session

William is such a sweet protective older brother and Miss Kiley is full of life.

Ginny and Mike Houghtons Family Portraits

I feel so lucky to be able to photography such beautiful family's and sweet friends.

Grey's Family Photography Session

This session was a blast....cousins. I just can't get over how beautiful they all are. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ben Houghton's 9 month Portrait

These are sweet friends of ours. Sam and my husband grew up together and it is so cool that our kids are growing up as friends also. Does it get any better than these faces?